\( \LaTeX \) is a document preparation system. It is particularly adept for typesetting math, and is both powerful and extensible.
I use vim
+ zathura
, along with my GNU/Linux distribution ’s
In order to save time, I wrote a
preamble.tex that I include in almost all my files. To access all its functionality is simple as adding \input{./preamble}
to the top of the file.
Some of my templates:
Document Cover #
Generate a cover for your document, inspired by the familiar standard GNU Documentation covers.
Bi-Directional #
For documents with bidirectional text. Example uses Hebrew, but good for any other RTL language. I prefer the explicitly delineated LTR and RTL blocks to the implicit ones found in most word processors, for ease of editing. Be sure to compile with
for unicode support.
fast-cv #
faster than making a cup of noodles 🍜
A outline for a CV, without having to learn a new packages, new commands or mess around with installing .sty
personal LaTeX templates
faster than making a cup of noodles 🍜